Dr. Imran Siraj
Assistant Professor – Engineering & Technology
I have a strong flair for research, I am agile in approach, enjoy student interaction, networking with industry partners and familiar with the emerging trends related to skill development.
- Ph.D(Robotics & Automation) 2023
- M.Tech(Production/Industrial) 2012
- B.E.(Mechanical) 1998
14 years.
- Student of Optimization/Additive Manufacturing/Robotics
Paper Published:
- Paper titled “Assessing quality in extrusion based additive manufacturing process”, published by Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Taylor & Francis, Vol.45,2024, Issues:2024 Pages 25-46, ESCI Indexed journal Impact Factor 1.4(Q2)
- Paper titled “Embedding quality in extrusion based additive manufacturing process”, published in Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance, Springer nature, SCIE Indexed journal, I.F. 1.8, Springer Natures, Singapore.
- Paper titled “Quality Loss function deployment in Fused Deposition Modelling” published in CRC Press (Taylor &Francis) edited book “Operations Management and Data Analytics Modelling: An Economic Crises Perspective”, SCOPUS indexed. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003181644-3
- Paper titled “Optimization of Process Parameters by application of Adaptive neuro- fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model of FFF Process” published as Chapter-14, in “Advances in Energy Technology, Lecture notes In Electrical Engineering, Vol 766, SCOPUS indexed, proceedings, published by Springer Nature.inJuly’2021. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1476-7_24
- Paper titled “3D Printing: A Review of recent research” is published in Science Progress and Research, Vol.1(3), online journal, ISSN no. 2635-0955, ISI Impact Factor, 0.21, indexed in J-Gate,
Google Scholar, June’2021, P: 127-137.
- Paper titled “Process Capability Analysis of a 3D Printing process” in Taylor & Francis Publications, Journal of interdisciplinary Mathematics, Volume 23 Issue:2020-1ESCI/SCOPUS, Impact factor 0.64 in April’2020.
- Paper titled “Reliability Analysis of a 3D Printing process” presented at ICITETM -2020 on February4-6,2020, at Maharaja Agrasen institute of Technology, New Delhi. Proceedings published in Elsevier Journal, Procedia Computer Science,Volume-173(2020)SCOPUS indexed in March’2020.
- Paper titled “A study on selection of materials in 3D Printing Processes”, presented in MIITV- 2019 on October,4,2019 at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Published in conference proceeding, ISSN No-978-81-942547-2-0(2019)
- Paper titled “Role of entrepreneurship in Digital India” International Journal of Entrepreneurship by CIVIL ESTRELLA & MECHBRAZEN.
International/National Conference:
1) “Quality Loss function deployment in Fused Deposition Modelling” being published in CRC Press (Taylor &Francis) edited book “Operations Management and Data Analytics Modelling: An Economic Crises Perspective”, Scopus indexed.
2) “3D Printing process: A Review of recent research ”At International Conference, International Virtual Conference on smart Advanced Material Science and Engineering Applications (IVCSAMSEA-2020), Organized by KL University, Vijayawada, On 3rd December’2020.
3) “Optimization of Process Parameters by application of Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model of FFF Process” At International Conference, Energy, Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (EMSME-2020), Organized by National Institute of Technology, New Delhi, On 31stOctober’2020.
4) “Quality Loss function deployment in Fused Deposition Modelling” At, International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Systems (CIMS-2020), Organized by National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, On 9th-11th October’2020.
5) “Reliability Analysis of a 3D Printing Process” At International Conference On Smart Sustainable
Intelligent Computing and applications (ICITETM-2020) on February,4 ,2020 at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, New Delhi
6) “A study on selection of materials in 3D Printing Processes” in MIITV-2019 on October,4,2019 at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, New Delhi . Proceeding published: ISBN No-978-81-942547-2-0(2019)
7) “Implications of Robotic culture on indigenous industries”, presented in NCMAT-2013 on May,03-04,2013 at Northern India Engineering College, New Delhi