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Holistic Development Of The Students Of SOMC

June 17, 2018

Students Of SOMC: The horizon of activities of the school has been expanding to make students learn the innovations. The metamorphosis takes place through including activities in the curriculum in a manner which apart from exciting students bring lots of changes which acts as a catalyst. In order to make students ready to enter the corporate world or for pursuing higher education, university programs provide better customized curriculum that go beyond academic knowledge to develop other skills which are essential for being effective and productive professionals. Activities like Business quiz, Ad-mad, real time projects, activities towards society wellness, holding awareness campaigns and many more makes the school a holistic place ensuring all round development of the student.

The School of Management and Commerce (SOMC) takes its students to ‘Industrial Visit’ for sensitizing them to the real practical world enabling them to differentiate between the concepts what they learn in class settings and how it gets molded in the real life setting. They get an opportunity to interact with the corporate officials and hands-on experience with the various methods and practices followed by them to remain competitive and sustainable. Students prepare an assignment on the basis of the learning during the visit which is supervised by the in-house faculty of the relevant field. Industrial visits serve as a gap making somewhat known world to a world of familiarity. The benefit doesn’t confine just to students, it also gives an opportunity to the University to build a bond with the company which could thereby prove a prospect for future recruitment of the students.

The school also conducts ‘Business Quiz’ on regular intervals to make students to come out of the routine class lectures and again taking them to another world of knowledge. Students keep themselves abreast with the latest things and look forward to such competitions. Apart from being a game of knowledge and mind sport, it comes with numerous other benefits as well. The students from various stream get together to participate and discuss things which help them to build the team spirit and hone the interpersonal skills.  It helps the momentum of gaining knowledge keep going with a more interactive and competitive setting with one’s own friends. There’s a wide spectrum of rounds in the process which ranges from simple test to recognizing patterns, voices and personalities along with critical thinking.

To add more flavors, the school also conducts the ‘Guest Lecture’ by inviting eminent personalities either from corporate sector or from any renowned organization/institution who has something more relevant and practical other than plain vanilla offering to the students. The guest lectures are usually planned in a way which supplements the current knowledge with real industry work phenomena. It again like industrial visits gives an opportunity to the students to interact with a person who is more proficient in the field and also helps in building the gap through an experience which has been there already. The guest speakers in some cases have also been seen as creating an impact over the students and in changing their perspective. The topic is usually discussed beforehand with the students so that they can come a little prepared and have the most out of the lecture. Moreover, the topics are generally the latest buzzwords which the market speaks about which in turns excite the students.

The SOMC also conducts various team building activities for the students. Team building activities provide emphasis on the importance of team work and what is needed to make a team better. The activities are fun filled with all the in-built potential of teaching team building skills. It also makes participants realize the hidden leadership & management skills and add onto it for future endeavors.

The activities held are moderated and updated from time to time to stay abreast with the latest. The students act as a major role who leads the entire society of activities of the school. The position ranges from president to student coordinators who under the guidance of the dedicated teachers make the event happen.