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Ten Behaviors Exhibited By Strong Leaders

April 27, 2018

Great leaders are defined by their behavior and skills. What they do and how they act when dealing with people and situations matters a lot in determining their strength and success. The important thing is that leaders bear a strong influence on the organizations they work for and are essential for the success of it. The behaviors and actions of the leaders and managers have a major role to play in creating a positive workplace climate as well as in employee engagement and retention. Here, in this article, we have listed ten of the most important leadership behaviors that every budding management professional should learn about and try to imbibe within himself/herself to grow into strong leaders.

Adapt to Change:

Great leaders exhibit flexibility and are able to adapt quickly to any changes. They aim to make use of the best possible opportunity in the changing business environment and adapt their course accordingly. They also help their entire team to adapt and evolve with changing organizational needs and industry trends. Strong leaders are able to establish a positive work culture of learning and risk-taking to accomplish what they want.  They tend to stay flexible and operate at their peak performance, continually pushing themselves as well as their teams forward for the benefit of the company.

Challenge Themselves:

Generally, leaders are lifelong learners and tend to learn and grow continually. They never stay content with one accomplishment but keep on moving towards new goals and challenges that would take them to greater heights. Inspirational leaders look forward to new challenging endeavors and develop their abilities by taking on the hard stuff that helps them challenge themselves for their new roles. They are not afraid of losing and consider mistakes as optimal opportunities that help better themselves and their decision-making skills.

Inspire Others to Act:

Good leaders have clarity of purpose. They know precisely what they do and why they do it in some particular way. They have a compelling vision and a strong attitude that attracts and inspires others to act. A good leadership behavior has to inspire, cause, and initiate others to propel the organization forward. Strong leaders always press forward their goal and encourage their team to do the same. Despite all the distractions and adversity, they stay focused on their goals with a clarity of purpose and pass over their vision to others for the betterment of the organization.

Possess a Strong Sense of Self:

Even though it might not be obvious, but successful leaders have a strong sense of self-awareness and self-reflection. They are able to identify and articulate their own actions and know that they have to be in their best form. Having enough self-awareness about their physical, mental, and emotional reactions enable great leaders to hone their interactions and intentions, ensuring that they are leveraging their own best qualities to perform at the best. Their healthy ego and a strong sense of self is what gains them wisdom and humility.

Show Gratitude:

Strong leaders recognize and acknowledge the success of their teams and build on their abilities to create more progress. They do not seek all glory but celebrates the success with their team, passing along rewards and praise to the deserving members. A strong leader knows how to show gratitude to his or her employees and never fails to appreciate their efforts for the success.

Embrace a Coaching Mindset:

Good leaders generally take on a coaching approach to establish their shared vision with the co-employees and train them for achieving the organizational goal. Managers need to teach their team what matters the most, what needs to be done, and how the organizational goals have to be accomplished. This sort of coaching mindset of a leader makes them play a more active and personalized role in the professional development of each member of his/her team, thereby fostering continual growth in as well as of the organization.

Practice Effective Listening:

Leaders should not only be good dictators or speakers but should also possess effective listening skills. Great leaders know that listening to others can be more empowering than just delivering a speech. With effective listening and communication skills, leaders are able to build a long-lasting relationship with their teammates and get them to conquer their vision.

Build Trust:

One of the most transformational behaviors that great leaders have is the ability to build trust. It is important that managers build a strong, positive, respectful relationships with people associated with them to instill pride and trust among the team. Strong leaders display a good sense of power and confidence among the team and pave way for a trustable relationship with each member. Going beyond one’s own self-interest for the good of the team is what builds respect for the leaders and eventually increases trust.

Accept Responsibility:

There is always some level of uncertainty involved in any business. Strong leaders accept responsibility, when necessary, and are able to claim failures as a lesson to learn. He/she never hides from taking over the blame and is able to face harsh criticism and negative consequences, without shuffling it over to the downline employees. This behavior in leaders certainly earns them a lot of respect and loyalty from the team.

Always Maintain a Positive Outlook:

A strong leader is one who exudes energy, projects cheerfulness, displays enthusiasm, and demonstrates an unshakeable positive outlook/attitude. With such a contagious personality, leaders are able to keep their people pumped up and connected to the goal.

All these behaviors exhibited by strong leaders make them well-suited for success. However, not all leadership behaviors are innate talents, but are, in fact, learned, developed, and practiced over a course of time. This is where the role of educational institutions come into the picture. Management education from a reputed institute can help instill the aspirants with the necessary skills and knowledge that is needed to thrive in the highly competitive corporate world of today.

In that sense, the K.R. Mangalam University is an esteemed educational institution offering market-centric business administration programs to prepare the students to meet and suffice the growing organizational needs. We, at KRMU, have structured our courses to create talented and efficient management professionals infused with all the leadership qualities. We cultivate in them the skills and abilities that not only help them rise as a highly efficient management professional himself/herself but also enables him/her to effectively build and lead an entire team that is resilient, proactive, accountable, and passionate towards work and organizational goals.

We believe that strong leaders can create the biggest impact on their team’s productivity and engagement for the benefit of the organization, and so we, at KRMU, are very much inclined to produce such leaders for tomorrow. KRMU strives to nurture a new generation of leaders who are enabled to exhibit strong personal leadership and are equipped with all the abilities to rise to the challenges in the business environment.


Ten Behaviors Exhibited By Strong Leaders

April 27, 2018

Great leaders are defined by their behavior and skills. What they do and how they act when dealing with people and situations matters a lot in determining their strength and success. The important thing is that leaders bear a strong influence on the organizations they work for and are essential for the success of it. The behaviors and actions of the leaders and managers have a major role to play in creating a positive workplace climate as well as in employee engagement and retention. Here, in this article, we have listed ten of the most important leadership behaviors that every budding management professional should learn about and try to imbibe within himself/herself to grow into strong leaders.

Adapt to Change:

Great leaders exhibit flexibility and are able to adapt quickly to any changes. They aim to make use of the best possible opportunity in the changing business environment and adapt their course accordingly. They also help their entire team to adapt and evolve with changing organizational needs and industry trends. Strong leaders are able to establish a positive work culture of learning and risk-taking to accomplish what they want.  They tend to stay flexible and operate at their peak performance, continually pushing themselves as well as their teams forward for the benefit of the company.

Challenge Themselves:

Generally, leaders are lifelong learners and tend to learn and grow continually. They never stay content with one accomplishment but keep on moving towards new goals and challenges that would take them to greater heights. Inspirational leaders look forward to new challenging endeavors and develop their abilities by taking on the hard stuff that helps them challenge themselves for their new roles. They are not afraid of losing and consider mistakes as optimal opportunities that help better themselves and their decision-making skills.

Inspire Others to Act:

Good leaders have clarity of purpose. They know precisely what they do and why they do it in some particular way. They have a compelling vision and a strong attitude that attracts and inspires others to act. A good leadership behavior has to inspire, cause, and initiate others to propel the organization forward. Strong leaders always press forward their goal and encourage their team to do the same. Despite all the distractions and adversity, they stay focused on their goals with a clarity of purpose and pass over their vision to others for the betterment of the organization.

Possess a Strong Sense of Self:

Even though it might not be obvious, but successful leaders have a strong sense of self-awareness and self-reflection. They are able to identify and articulate their own actions and know that they have to be in their best form. Having enough self-awareness about their physical, mental, and emotional reactions enable great leaders to hone their interactions and intentions, ensuring that they are leveraging their own best qualities to perform at the best. Their healthy ego and a strong sense of self is what gains them wisdom and humility.

Show Gratitude:

Strong leaders recognize and acknowledge the success of their teams and build on their abilities to create more progress. They do not seek all glory but celebrates the success with their team, passing along rewards and praise to the deserving members. A strong leader knows how to show gratitude to his or her employees and never fails to appreciate their efforts for the success.

Embrace a Coaching Mindset:

Good leaders generally take on a coaching approach to establish their shared vision with the co-employees and train them for achieving the organizational goal. Managers need to teach their team what matters the most, what needs to be done, and how the organizational goals have to be accomplished. This sort of coaching mindset of a leader makes them play a more active and personalized role in the professional development of each member of his/her team, thereby fostering continual growth in as well as of the organization.

Practice Effective Listening:

Leaders should not only be good dictators or speakers but should also possess effective listening skills. Great leaders know that listening to others can be more empowering than just delivering a speech. With effective listening and communication skills, leaders are able to build a long-lasting relationship with their teammates and get them to conquer their vision.

Build Trust:

One of the most transformational behaviors that great leaders have is the ability to build trust. It is important that managers build a strong, positive, respectful relationships with people associated with them to instill pride and trust among the team. Strong leaders display a good sense of power and confidence among the team and pave way for a trustable relationship with each member. Going beyond one’s own self-interest for the good of the team is what builds respect for the leaders and eventually increases trust.

Accept Responsibility:

There is always some level of uncertainty involved in any business. Strong leaders accept responsibility, when necessary, and are able to claim failures as a lesson to learn. He/she never hides from taking over the blame and is able to face harsh criticism and negative consequences, without shuffling it over to the downline employees. This behavior in leaders certainly earns them a lot of respect and loyalty from the team.

Always Maintain a Positive Outlook:

A strong leader is one who exudes energy, projects cheerfulness, displays enthusiasm, and demonstrates an unshakeable positive outlook/attitude. With such a contagious personality, leaders are able to keep their people pumped up and connected to the goal.

All these behaviors exhibited by strong leaders make them well-suited for success. However, not all leadership behaviors are innate talents, but are, in fact, learned, developed, and practiced over a course of time. This is where the role of educational institutions come into the picture. Management education from a reputed institute can help instill the aspirants with the necessary skills and knowledge that is needed to thrive in the highly competitive corporate world of today.

In that sense, the K.R. Mangalam University is an esteemed educational institution offering market-centric business administration programs to prepare the students to meet and suffice the growing organizational needs. We, at KRMU, have structured our courses to create talented and efficient management professionals infused with all the leadership qualities. We cultivate in them the skills and abilities that not only help them rise as a highly efficient management professional himself/herself but also enables him/her to effectively build and lead an entire team that is resilient, proactive, accountable, and passionate towards work and organizational goals.

We believe that strong leaders can create the biggest impact on their team’s productivity and engagement for the benefit of the organization, and so we, at KRMU, are very much inclined to produce such leaders for tomorrow. KRMU strives to nurture a new generation of leaders who are enabled to exhibit strong personal leadership and are equipped with all the abilities to rise to the challenges in the business environment.

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