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How Do The International Collaborations Boost The Value Of A University?

November 12, 2018

International Collaborations Boost The Value Of A University: With the evolving standards and paradigms of the professional world, the trends of education are also taking significant leaps. Student and faculty mobility, technology and economic shifts are some of the current trends that the Indian educational realm is considerably inclined to in the present time. Out of the mentioned ones, a noteworthy trend that universities worldwide have adopted is none other but ‘increased interconnectivity.’ Increased interconnectivity is an extremely powerful pathway that not only leads an institution towards success but contributes to the sheer betterment of its students and beyond. Institutions that aim to establish or signify their values no more choose to function in their respective boundaries but rather look forward to widening the horizons. The objective is to reach out for external sources in order to stand out from the rest on a global level.

Also, as you may know, a large percentage of Indian students plan to extend their education to international nations and vice-versa. Likewise, several international students choose to pursue their educational degrees in India as well. Whatever be the reason, the particular exchange indicates the benefits of both universities and its students in multidimensional ways. It certainly reminds of a famed saying in this scenario, ‘what’s good for the students is good for the university.’ Demonstrated below are some of the significant ways in which international collaborations enhance the value of the educational institutions as well as the students:

The ‘Know How’ Exchange

Different educational hubs possess different styles of operation and each is unique in its own way. Educational institutions are consistently advancing in today’s time in order to prepare their students for the cut-throat competitive professional world waiting ahead. Starting from knowledge impartation style to faculty, research, and management, universities are imposing evolution on nearly all aspects. Rather than proceeding individually, the modern attitude of the educational world speaks about interchanging strategies, information, and procedures in order to reach both university and student welfare. This is why, we at the K.R. Mangalam University, have taken up cross-collaboration with many international universities, which is serving as a highly effective approach to share ideologies and perceptions on management strategies, educational researches, and course designs and is helping to enrich the roots of our fundamental education.

Better Exposure to Foreign Educational Culture

Prior to anything, understanding international educational culture is essential to get the wheels rolling at the first place. International institutions have an entire system of functioning and there is plenty to explore and learn. There are countless things that they perform differently. To name a few would be the flip classroom or open classroom sessions, high standard digital learning system, pre-placement training, extensive group workshops, projects, and more. We, at the K.R. Mangalam University, have also adopted an international level knowledge impartation tactics and teaching aids at par with global standards, which has helped us meet the educational needs of both international as well as Indian students.

Student Exchange Program Free the Wings of Wisdom

Now, the exchange of notions and ideas apply to foreign universities as well. International universities efficiently collaborate with Indian universities in order to initiate inventiveness and embrace greater possibilities to their existing functional methodologies. At KRMU, we conduct a Student Exchange program with various foreign universities, which enables our students to get to experience the best of both worlds. In such a program, we exchange our students with international universities for a specific amount of time which helps the pupils to extend their acumen and gain an overall international recognition. This acts as a considerable advantage on the part of students and raises their as well as the university’s value on a global level.

Gaining a Competitive Advantage

Tie-ups with international institutions is a significant way via which an institute can gain a first-rate competitive advantage over other educational organizations. Moreover, even students prefer to become a part of the institutions where they can attain better exposure to the international culture and get hiring preference on a global level.

No wonder, International Partnerships have always contributed limitlessly to the overall progress of educational institutions as well as the students. We, the K.R. Mangalam University, are proud to state that we are among those very few educational institutions in the country that have been enlightening the future of the young minds by forming valuable and integrated collaboration and conglomeration with a vast network of international universities. With our robust research exchange and experiences, we provide our students with the quality of academic training that they truly deserve. KRMU believes in an ever-expanding expedition of knowledge and culture rather than merely being confined to a limited boundary. Being one of the Best University in Gurgaon, we maintain an active learning attitude in order to bring our students the best of what a learning environment and faculty can possibly possess. With more consequential cross-collaboration, we aim to take this venture on the next level, bestowing our valuable students with all that they are actually worthy of.